What Makes Us Take Action

In nature, only things happen when people
do them under pressure.  It is the pressure
that causes us to take action.

In school, remember pulling those all-nighters
to finish those term papers or to study for that
final exam?  We all knew the dates when they
were due, but the majority of us would wait until
the last minute.  When we feel the pressure to do
something, we will do it.  If there is no pressure
then we tend to not take action; we are all great

Here are some examples of when people will
take action with their money:

• Not until the financial emergency happens do
they scramble to find the money to pay for it

• Not until nearing retirement will people begin to
save for it

• Not until their children graduate from high school,
then they start to save for their child’s college

• Not until the credit cards are maxed out, they
need to defer the student loan, are behind 2 months
on the car payment and 6 months on the home
mortgage, the pressure has reached the boiling
point and then they seek help to change their
financial situation

Creating a financial plan under pressure is dangerous.
There is an easier way which involves no pressure at all.
It may feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning since
anything new does, but in the long run you will be
financially secure.  The easiest way is simple: Start saving
now and be consistent each and every month.  Don’t
procrastinate.  Don’t wait for the pressure to move you.
Move yourself now by being a doer, not a pressure cooker.

Let me share a story with you that took place twelve years
ago.  I can relate to the ultimate pressure anyone can feel.
It was not until I found myself living in a dingy motel room,
jobless, having chronic pain, a broken relationship, shut off
by my family and eating ham sandwiches out of an ice chest
that I finally knew I needed to make some changes.  I know
what pressure and pain feel like.  My saving grace was that
I had money in the bank, my emergency fund.  Without it
I probably would have put an end to the pressure and would
not be writing this newsletter for you.  That event changed
my life.  That was my wake up call, my rock bottom.  I made
a commitment to the world during that time period.  If I
could overcome it and get myself out of the hole I put myself
in, I would make it my mission to help people overcome
their financial challenges.  So this is why I write these
newsletters, why I wrote a book on the subject of debt free
financial independence, and how I’ve come to speak and coach
people about their finances.  I started this revolution so that
people can live with money on their terms instead of everyone
else’s.  I don’t want anyone to suffer the way I did.  The pressure
and pain is too much to bear.

Since I did make it out of that hole, I am here to help people
at whatever life stage they are in when it comes to money,
whether they don’t know where their money is going every
month, need some advice on how to plan their finances, or are
on their last lifeline feeling the pressure of their debt load.

If you can remember just one thing from Tim Mann, remember this:
Go against nature and start planning your finances TODAY
and continue to be constant with the plan until you reach your
debt free financial independence.


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