Hi Tim, I just paid off my last credit card!!!
I had $17,000 in credit card debt and in less than a year I am now debt free for the first time. Thanks to you. Plus I have the skills to stay that way!! Next paycheck is fully mine to budget toward important things in my future!! Thank you so much for all your support and guidance. I loved your action plan it helped tremendously. I could not have done it without you!!
Arian, School Teacher – Livermore CA
I was on the verge of financial ruin when Tim was brought into my life.
My divorce was being finalized and I had to go from a two income lifestyle to a single income while having primary custody of my 2 children. I wasn’t eligible for spousal support and I received very little child support as my ex-husband made very little money. I was drowning in debt, got laid off from work, had no real savings, and then my father passed away. Even though I work in the Financial Services industry and counsel clients in money management, I wasn’t able to help myself. Tim was able to walk me through all my hurdles, such as getting laid off, and helped me to prioritize my spending and live within a budget. Part of the divorce required the selling of our home and without all of Tim’s assistance in walking through all the financial and emotional land minds, I would have faced bankruptcy. It wasn’t easy, but Tim was with me through every step of the way. His Coaching program has helped me to budget my expenses meticulously and payoff over $340,000 in debt that consisted of credit card debt, my large 401K loan and home equity line of credit. The only debt I have left is my student loan debt that I am chipping away at and have a plan in place to pay it off. I have some sense of financial calm now by having a real savings account instead of being stressed out about being overburdened with debt. I am also proud to say that I am cashing flowing my children’s private Univeristy tuition (so they will be able to graduate without debt).
Without Tim’s help, my life and my children’s lives would have been a disaster – both financially and emotionally. I feel free now for the first time because I am in total contol my finances.
Life before working with Tim:
Despite being married for 7 years & having two children, we were still managing our finances separately. We were both earning good money but were unsure about whether or not we were saving enough of it, let alone, whether we were putting our savings in the right places. We were also struggling with work/life balance, feeling that we weren’t doing enough of the things that really mattered to us. On top of this we were stuck in the gray area of whether to stay and rent in the city or move and buy property in the suburbs. All of the above was holding us back from making decisions important for our future together. Without really recognizing it we were growing more and more frustrated with each other.
Life after working with Tim:
Tim helped us fully combine our finances and create a working joint budget that balances being smart for our future while also allowing us the freedom to enjoy the present. He also helped us set out joint and personal goals to work towards, leaning into our passions, which has given us a much better work/life balance. Tim taught us the art of visualization, a technique that has not only encouraged us to dream bigger but has impacted our lives for the better – the results being impressive promotions, financial rewards and accolades in both of our careers, in a very short period of practice. In addition to the above, Tim also helped us review and reallocate our investments making sure our money was working as hard as possible for us. We also learned valuable tools of communication that have helped us better work through difficult topics and decisions together, bringing about Financial Calm.
Happily ever after:
There is no doubt that Tim has made a huge impact on our lives. After we successfully completed the 90 day program under his guidance, we continue to check in with him once a month to keep us on track, as well as to work on the inevitable curve balls and questions that life throws our way. He is now not only a trusted adviser, but a friend to us, and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him as a wonderful financial coach. He is extremely qualified and knowledgeable in multiple areas, he has a strong aura of professionalism, but is extremely warm and empathetic. These qualities were extremely important to us when opening up our lives to him. He brings a human side to financial planning which is difficult to find. He has empowered us to feel confident and in control of our own finances and to start enjoying the things that really matter. Tim has changed the quality of our life in only 90 days so we recommend everyone else do the same.
“Back in April 2013, my $16,000 debt was paid in full. In December 2013, I was back in over $15,000 of debt. Some of it was unexpected. Some of it I deliberately took on. Yet, I needed to find out what mindset, attitudes, and behaviors caused my account to repeatedly bleed red, interrupt the pattern, and prevent it from happening again.
Enter Tim Mann. Tim’s holistic finance coaching was simple, yet profound. He invested time in listening to my life and then offering wisdom, encouragement, inspiration, support, sound advice, and practical assignments each week to keep me moving forward.
Since coaching with Tim, I have paid off over $5,000 in debt and other expenses, started an Emergency Fund, lost two dress sizes, gained greater self-confidence, and developed another stream of income.
I am a stronger, wiser, healthier, financially savvier, and more empowered person now in April 2014 than I was in January 2014 when I first started coaching with Tim.
If you want a mindset and money makeover… If you want to have money on your own terms… If you want to live life on your own terms… Coach with Tim Mann.”
“I always wanted to start saving money and get out of debt but my past issues with money where keeping me stuck in my current situation. Fear, lack, and worry where my everyday life when it came to money. After working with Tim those negative emotions are gone forever. I have a clear picture, confidence, and plan to pay off my debt, especially my student loan debt. I like the way he lays out the steps for you to take action. He makes it simple. I am so grateful to be coached by Tim Mann.”
With eight kids and a nanny, it’s not always easy to track expenses. I came into Tim’s program having little involvement in our family’s finances. My husband worked in finance and he had always taken care of this. At the same time, I was very busy and stretched with just caring for the kids.
With the economy’s downturn, I knew I needed to have a better overall sense of where we were financially, but making the time to understand this big family operation was overwhelming. Tim took the time to break down the action steps,so I could get a better handle on my daily expenses without feeling completely overwhelmed with the process. I started getting a grasp on all our monthly household expenses, which wasn’t easy with three teenagers and a nanny who all had credit cards. Tim taught me how to use an envelope system and I began paying for things with cash to better understand where our money goes on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. This was hugely helpful for me. I never liked the idea of credit cards, but somehow they became associated with ease and convenience, even down to the level where I could swipe a card and hold a baby at the same time. In actuality, credit cards were distancing me more and more from the big picture. I realized in tracking our expenses over several months, that I spent way more than I realized on groceries (a ton more!), kids activities, and eating out…all those expenses I thought we ‘just have’. I started questioning where I spend money, even going so far as to challenge myself on where my kids go to school. Although some things didn’t change and we decided to keep certain expenses like household help, the exercise alone made me grow so much. I think about daily purchases so differently now.
We have always been blessed with a healthy family income, but this process allowed us to see where expenses were just “happening” to us. My husband and I, with Tim’s help and insistence, took several dates to sit quietly and think together about what we really want long term, and see where we agreed. We realized in the process that having a vacation home means more to us than private schools, and we are working hard together now to hone our expenses so we can achieve our dreamm of having a lake house in the next few years. I no longer feel removed from the process, and I feel so empowered by spending with cash. It makes me think every time I buy something in a way that I never did with credit cards. I highly recommend Tim for couples who need help getting on the same page and understanding their mutual long term goals.
Additionally, I also want to say that I really recommend Tim for moms. He had a way of communicating to me that I understood. This was not a process I felt comfortable with at the beginning. It just wasn’t ‘my thing’ and I had trouble with all the numbers. But Tim broke it down for me in concrete steps that I could easily adopt and make my own without any fear. If you need help getting involved in your family’s finances and understanding where the ‘holes’ are in your finances, Tim can help you. If you are a mom like me and find yourself spending for convenience and losing track of your kids costs’ with school supplies, activities, lessons and clothing, Tim will help you find a system that works for you. Having a coach like Tim really makes this process so much easier and sustainable.
“Tim is a great resource for anyone who is trying to balance out all the things that are in motion in our world and daily lives. From compartmentalizing your thoughts to focus on what’s important to providing valuable tools. I recommend his services to anyone looking to get a better grasp on their daily lives as well as those who just need an extra voice to help them achieve amazing things in life.”
“Tim has a passion and keen sense of how to get the best out of you. He unblocked my fears and trepidations around money. He cleared my mind so that my career, money, and life started to flourish. I felt empowered when working with Tim. I highly recommend him.”
“Tim has helped my entire family to become financially stable and financially wise. My husband and I were never on the same page regarding money simply because there was no financial communication and way too much “living beyond our means”. This not only caused friction in our relationship, it landed us in major debt, with us not being able to pay our bills. I was even nervous that we wouldn’t be able to pay Tim, but we did and it was the best money we have ever spent together as a married couple of 15 years.
I like to call Tim our financial therapist. He not only helped us budget, but he gave us the platform to communicate calmly about our finances so that we can comfortably be on the same page.
Tim’s coaching program helped us create a budget in excel to update every month, we started an envelope system and now pay everything in cash or debit (our children have started their own envelope system to spend, save and give with their own money), it helped us begin to save, it helped us pay off our personal debts and now we are on to our credit card debts. ALL the credit cards have now been eliminated from our wallets and lives thanks to Tim!!!!
Tim was always accessible to us at all waking hours and if he couldn’t speak immediately, he always got back to us that day! Tim’s approach to coaching was a very relaxing, yet serious. We always felt calm and comfortable talking with Tim and even when we were feeling upset or frustrated, Tim could sense it and always said the right thing to make us feel better. He is the perfect balance of compassionate and professional.
Tim has changed our lives for the better and we hope to work with him in the near future in building our wealth!