Seminar Scams “I Have a Dream for You”

I felt energized to write this special report this week.

How Seminar Scammers are targeting vulnerable
people into buying their worthless courses and
mastermind programs to the tune of $10,000 to $100,000.

Last week all the headlines read about how
Trump University was a fraud.  The Attorney General
of New York filed a law suit against Donald Trump
for promising to make students rich but instead
maneuvered them into expensive and useless
seminars that caused financial hardship to many.

I attended the introduction seminar of Trump University
in Woodland Hills, California back in 2007.  It was a sales
pitch from beginning to end with very little content
trying to lure the audience into going to his University.
I had a very bad feeling about it as I walked out of the
room that night.  I never purchase these types of courses
because they are excessively overpriced and have
the common theme of:

“I Have a Dream for You”…

I am sure many of you have heard it before.
The presenter gives you his snake-oil spiel, on
how you can quit your job in one to two years.
Then from all the money rolling in you can travel
the world because you don’t have to work.
As an added bonus, you will be living in your dream
home and driving your dream car in no time.

I think anyone would pay $25,000 to $50,000 to
have this come true.  The truth is life doesn’t work
this way.  I have studied hundreds of thousands
success stories.  Not one of them ever talked about
how this type of pipe dream came true.

If you ever hear this type of presentation
in the future. Don’t walk out of the room, RUN…

They are a complete scam exploiting you of your money.

Now, some trainers are providing real value to
their students and go that extra mile to educate and help
people. Furthermore, they offer a fair price to do it.
I would like to commend those that are doing it the right way.
However, there are some really bad apples that are
giving the seminar industry a bad name.

Hopefully, this is just the beginning by using Trump University
as the example.  It would be great if more victims would
come out and state their case to the various government
officials around the world to expose and rid the environment
of these rip-off artist.

Tom Antion, an internationally acclaimed expert in Internet
Marketing for small businesses and a veteran full time
professional speaker is working toward the goal of cleaning
up the seminar industry.  He has taken on the role of consumer
advocate where he has a Television show and Documentary
in development to expose seminar speakers robbing people
for enormous amounts of money.  He has even created his
own Antion’s Army to further the cause.

You can go to his link to read about the various seminar
scams out there so you won’t get ripped off.

I am in full support of Tom’s mission.  This Thursday September 5th,
I will be interviewing him on The Money on Your Terms show 8 pm PST.
We will be discussing how these seminar scammers are working
the rooms to take people’s money.

So listen in on how to never fall for these sharks trying to take
a bit out of your wallet.

Just stay away from those “I Have a Dream for You” overpriced courses.

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