The #1 Behavior That Will Bring Wealth Into Your Life

What is one of the most important things you can do
to become wealthy in life?

You might think that you need a great investment strategy,
to invest in real estate, be the next CEO of your company,
or invent a new Internet technology.  Although all of these
are great ways to wealth, it all rests on your behaviors in life.
That behavior is keeping your promises.  Without promises,
the world would not go around.  They are what make a society
function as a whole, whether someone is promising a friend
something, taking out a loan at a bank, providing someone
with heat during the winter, or keeping others employed at
their job.  Everyday promises in business and life keep
things moving.

I strongly believe in the quote, “How you do anything is how
you do everything.”  How you do the small things in life
influence how you will do the big things in life.  So, let’s talk
about promises.  Standing by your promises will determine
whether you will be successful and rich or common and broke.
It can be as simple as returning a phone call or showing up
on time to an appointment.  If you said you would call someone
back, do you call them back, or do you flake out?  Do you show
up early to appointments, or are you constantly late?  If people
are not keeping their promises for the small things in life, there
is a strong chance that they are not keeping promises for the
bigger things in life.  Since money is one of the most important
things you need to live besides breathing, your actions of keeping
your promises will affect your level of wealth.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned on my radio show that
people lack commitment to keeping their promises.  This has
become a common trend in our society today, which does not
serve people well.  Even in Washington, our own government
is not doing a good job of keeping its promises.  I am not trying
to make this a political bash, but rather point out that we humans
tend to follow the crowd, thinking it is okay.

With money, some of the common themes of not keeping a
promise show up in:

Not paying a friend or family member back
Being behind on your bills
Not paying rent on time
Student loan forbearance
Foreclosure on a home
Having your possessions, such as a car, become repossessed by the bank
Being fired from your job

Be different!  Be uncommon!  Never ever follow the crowd to mediocrity.

The best way to win with money is to keep the promises you make,
and it starts with the promises you made to yourself, including
the resolutions and goals you make.  Work on honoring them. 
It never feels good when someone breaks a promise to you, so why
would you want to break a promise you made to yourself?

Second, keep your promises with your family and friends.
If you promised them something, then do everything you can
to fulfill it.

Third, keep your promises at work.  Your career/job is your
lifeline to money.

Finally, keep your promises in business dealings.  With every
contract that you sign, do everything in your power to fulfill that
agreement.  In the majority of business contracts, everything is
clearly spelled out.  Therefore, if you have a mortgage, car loan,
student loan, rental agreement, or hold a credit card, do everything
you can to honor the agreement.

A person who continuously keeps their promises will be on the
fastest lane to wealth and success while someone who doesn’t
will be left behind.  Stay true to your promises in all areas of life
and watch how your world will go around with wealth in it.

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