Tag Archives: Promotion

Visioning Your Way to More Money

Update:  A few weeks ago, I wrote a newsletter
regarding The Hidden Power that will Make You Rich.
The theme of the newsletter was visualizing.  In the
piece, I shared with you a success story from one
of my clients who used visualizing under my
guidance to advance his career. His focus was
on making a new cultural change within his company.

Each night, he set a clear picture of the changes
he wanted to see in his mind.  Within a very short
time period, his boss met with … Read More

The Hidden Power That Will Make You Rich.

During the month of January, I have been going over
the key habits and values that are important in wealth
creation.  I could give you all the tips and strategies on
money, but nothing will work until you implement these
behaviors into your life.  When it comes to having money,
it is 90% behavioral and 10% implementation.

So I would like to continue this week by highlighting
the capacity within you that can accelerate your
behaviors with money, thus enabling you to bring your
hopes and dreams into reality.

Champion … Read More