Money on Your Terms

Money on Your Terms 2240 Amazon and Smashwords

Dear Friend,

You can save, you can budget, you can invest all you want …But until you understand the financial forces working against you, chances are you’ll never achieve the level of financial freedom you desire.

Hi, my name is Tim Mann, author of the Bestseller… MONEY on Your Terms: The Step-by-Step Guide to Debt-Free Financial Independence. Inside your copy of MONEY on Your Terms, you’ll discover the 7 forces working against you… how they’ve positioned themselves to nibble away at your income and what you can do about it.

Follow the simple steps inside and you may very well be on the way to debt-free financial freedom.

But there’s much more to MONEY on Your Terms.

In it, you’ll also discover …

  • A Simple 5-Step Plan to get your finances under control, so you can keep more
    of the money you make – starting this week
  • The 6 Rules of Money and how they can help you avoid the mistakes that diminish your income
  • The Debt Destroyer Action Plan: a proven, easy-to-use plan to completely wipe
    out all your debt
  • 4 Championship Tools winners use to attract to silence negative thoughts and attitudes
    about money, so you attract more money into your life.
  • And much, much more

As you can see, this book contains some powerful advice. That is why it became an bestseller.

If you want to tackle debt once and for all, don’t expect it to happen on it’s own. You need an arsenal of weapons and strategies to fight back and win. MONEY on Your Terms is exactlywhat you need to become the victorious ruler of your financial destiny.

It’s hard to put a price on something this powerful.

You could spend thousands of dollars on often unnecessary credit counseling or financial advisers, and hundreds more on overpriced books and courses penned by self-proclaimed “financial gurus.” Consider the time you may be wasting in these activities when instead you could be gaining ground toward freedom.

Now, I know you must be skeptical. Feel free to read some of the reviews written by people like you who bought MONEY on Your Terms. So, download Money on Your Terms right now and take the first step towards freedom.

Customers Reviews of the Book
“This book is must read for anyone who wants to take control of their financial future and be motivated at the same time.” Skittles
“Money on Your Terms, the Author, Tim Mann gives you all the tools you need to conquer your current money circumstances and gain new ground with your finances.”Whether you need to get out of debt, control spending, make and keep more money (or all of the above)… this book will help you.”Tim covers the critical mental and emotional aspect of money that ‘steps’ alone cannot fix. The steps are also there along with downloadable forms/worksheets for planning and organizing your finances.One of the unique aspects of the book is Tim’s explanation of how other entities and groups (banks, colleges, society, etc.) position you and your money to THEIR advantage, not yours… and how you can put a stop to this, so you can make, save, and enjoy your money on your own terms. Tim’s approach can easily bring relief, structure and financial gain into your life when you apply his straight forward methods.” Mike
“This book is worth buying. I like when the author states his ideas about portfolio accounts, stocks, and investments because he educated, worked in the field, and has experience in finances which makes his ideals and statements reliable.” Joshua Blot
“Loved it! One of the better positive books on obtaining financial independence available. Most of this is common sense, but I really took to heart about the author’s story. No matter what, you can always come back. 5 stars.” Ironfox
“In his new book, Money on your Terms, Tim Mann gives you a step-by-step process to get a handle on your financials. Not only managing your cash-flow but more importantly, managing your emotional response to financial events. How do you feel when you pick up your mail? do you anticipate bills and past due notices?When you receive a larger sum of money, do you feel grateful? or do you feel, deep down, you didn’t deserve it? or didn’t work hard enough for it?Whether you like it or not you’ve been conditioned to react the way you do from your upbringing, life partners and even co-workers. Managing your emotional reaction to financial inputs, is handled using Tim’s Championship Tools. These tools are so easy to apply you’ll be able to use them after your first read.Since you can’t change (improve) what you don’t measure, Tim Mann proposes to watch your income and expenses very closely, not only does he give you a complete method to track your financials, but also teaches you how to make incremental changes that have compounding effects in the direction of financial freedom and peace of mind.The best part though is the daily routine that takes you by the hand to implement all the elements of the book.If you’re looking for a magic wand that will make all your financial troubles overnight, this book is not for you. If on the other hand you have chosen to become financially independent and can commit a few minutes per day to achieving this goal, this is a fantastic choice for your endeavor.” Yves
“Very good book. Lots of ways to get a grip on your finances and get out of debt. Also, the book is motivational.” Mike A.
“The information is not entirely new but it has been sectioned up in a way that is easy to read and understand. I am on my way to financial freedom. Thanks Tim for a wonderful book.” Anna F
“Tim’s book is fantastic! It took me about a day to read (because I was so into it), but packed with great info, super simple ideas and exercises. What a useful resource for people of all ages. Thank you for sharing!!!” Debbie F
“I completely understand that everyone resonates differently with information, especially with money making techniques. Tim Mann’s approach for “Money on Your Terms” goes beyond much more than the actual cash value. He helps you deepen your personal value as well. He illustrates an extremely straightforward and effective process that can really help you get to where YOU want to be with YOUR life, alongside developing a relationship with money. The value of this information is absolutely priceless. This eBook is a wealth of information that will last you many lifetimes to come. I would highly recommend for you to download this book and see for yourself. I assure you that you will be happy that you did!” Genre