The Hidden Power That Will Make You Rich.

During the month of January, I have been going over
the key habits and values that are important in wealth
creation.  I could give you all the tips and strategies on
money, but nothing will work until you implement these
behaviors into your life.  When it comes to having money,
it is 90% behavioral and 10% implementation.

So I would like to continue this week by highlighting
the capacity within you that can accelerate your
behaviors with money, thus enabling you to bring your
hopes and dreams into reality.

Champion athletes constantly use this capacity to
perform.  If you watch closely enough in the upcoming
Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, you can see for yourself
as they use this as part of their preparation for the event.
Also, highly successful people such as Thomas Edison,
Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, George Lucas,
and Steve Jobs all used this ability to innovate technology
and business.

This gift is visualizing.

I love this quote from George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars:
You can’t do it unless you can imagine it.”

So if successful people can use their vision to create
great things, you too have been given the same gift.
If you are thinking this is something only available for
the chosen few, this can not be farther from the truth.
Let go of any limiting beliefs you have because trust me,
it really can work for everyone.

Let me share a real world success story so you can see
it for yourself.

I started coaching a new client back in November 2013.
He holds a VP position with a leading advertising company
in New York City.  His goal is to become the CEO of the
company.  I suggested that he start having a clear picture
of what he wants his career to look like: How much money
he would like his paycheck to be, how much money he
has in the bank, how many people he is leading, what his
office looks like in detail.  Since we have weekly coaching
sessions, I created a guided visualization exercise for
him using my voice so he has something available to use
in between our sessions.  After putting his two young
children to bed at night, he would do his visualization
exercises.  Well, in less than two months, his vision
became a reality.

He told me, “You would not believe what happened, Tim.”  He had
an unexpected meeting with his boss.  He is being promoted to
run the entire United States operation, and his boss said he is
the top candidate to be CEO in a few years.  His new position
includes a generous salary increase and additional perks.  He said
he was shocked by how he was just visualizing this and it
happened, coming so fast.  I told him to continue visualizing, as
it only gets better.

The most beautiful thing is, you don’t need any special talent,
and you don’t need to graduate from the best university in the
country.  You don’t even need to already have a million dollars
in the bank, and it has nothing to do with how old you are.  All you
need to do is visualize your success on a constant basis.  Take 5
to 10 minutes of your day and sit in a comfortable chair and create
pictures in your mind of what you would like to achieve.  Let me
give you the secret sauce here: Don’t see yourself in the picture.
Visualize as if you are seeing things through your own eyes.
Imagine you are actually living it.  This will turn the power on.

So this year, make it part of your routine to visualize.
Get in the habit of doing this.  And when your visions come
into existences, you will be surprised how easy it works.
Please send me your success stories when it happens.


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